Steve Clute Founder & CEOStrategic Partners - Delivering ResultsLeadergized Since beginning as an entrepreneur in 1983 Steve has traveled the world on a Johnny Appleseed Adventure. He and his company(s) have planted, groomed and nurtured seedling businesses to grow, blossom and bear fruits around the world. For the past eighteen years Leadergized has launched, owned, invested in, worked with and for several hundred companies and company leaders. Using an elaborate team of highly experienced, successful and connected associates/partners/friends Leadergized provides passion, intelligence energized leadership and mentoring that all companies need. Capabilities and expertise include business analysis, strategic planning, finance, human resources, marketing, technology and customer support. We love to help everyone but focus on SMB's and specifically innovations in the areas of Business and Cultural Innovation, Healthcare, Youth, Economic Empowerment, Health and Humanitarian Relief.